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If you are considering this exciting procedure to improve your sight and decrease dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses, wouldn’t it be helpful to have a much clearer view of how to proceed to the next step? There are three basic questions to consider:​ Am I a suitable candidate for Cataract surgery? How do I choose the finest doctors and appropriate technology to achieve the safest and most satisfying visual results? How do I get the highest standard of quality professional care at an affordable fee? At Vivid Visions Optometry, Inc. in partnership with Alan M. Berg, M.D., of Berg-Feinfield Vision Correction, we believe that we can confidently answer all three important questions in an accurate and honest manner to assist you in making a well-informed decision.

🔴 Who needs Cataract Surgery?

  • adult

  • blurry vision with glasses 

  • blurry vision with contact lenses

  • night glare

  • halos around lights

🔴 What needs to be done before receiving a referral for Cataract Surgery?

You must have current glasses prescription (<1 year old) or complete a Comprehensive Eye Exam.

🔴 What is cataract surgery?

Surgical removal of a natural lens is the only solution to correct a cataract. There are no known drugs or diets that will delay the development of a cataract. This depends on the severity of the cataract and most important how it is interfering with your ability to see. This will vary from patient to patient. Cataract surgery is an elective surgery based on visual needs.

There are two main indications for the removal of the natural lens:

When the lens becomes cloudy, called a cataract causing blurred vision.

When the patient wants to remove their lens to decrease their dependency on glasses or contact lenses.

The difference between these surgeries is: A cataract surgery is necessary for a patient to be able to see with the aid of glasses. A refractive lens exchange procedure is designed to remove a clear lens so you will be less dependent on glasses or contact lenses to see at distance and/or near.


If you are considering this exciting procedure to improve your sight and decrease dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses, wouldn’t it be helpful to have a much clearer view of how to proceed to the next step?

There are three basic questions to consider:

  • Am I a suitable candidate for Cataract surgery?

  • How do I choose the finest doctors and appropriate technology to achieve the safest and most satisfying visual results?

  • How do I get the highest standard of quality professional care at an affordable fee?

At Vivid Visions Optometry, Inc. in partnership with Alan M. Berg, M.D., of Berg-Feinfield Vision Correction, we believe that we can confidently answer all three important questions in an accurate and honest manner to assist you in making a well-informed decision.


Once it is decided that a Cataract Extraction is needed, you will be scheduled for the life-changing procedure. The surgery will be performed as an out-patient procedure at our state-of-the-art surgery center. The natural lens will be removed using advanced techniques and replaced with an intraocular lens implant (IOL).


Artificial lens implants will be needed for you to see after the natural lens is removed. You'll have the option to choose between traditional IOLs and specialty IOLs.

The traditional IOLs are the monofocal lenses. These lenses focus best at a single location, providing focus for seeing up close or far away, but not for both. Most patients that prefer to have good distance vision will use bifocal or reading glasses to see at close or intermittent ranges.

The specialty IOLs are called presbyopia-correcting implants which provide a range of vision, i.e. both distance and varying degrees of near vision. These are used in cataract and refractive lens exchange procedures to decrease dependence on glasses for both distance and near vision.


After your Cataract Extraction procedure, you will be seen for post-operative care by Dr. Antonyan, O.D.

At these visits, your vision will be monitored as will the general health of your eyes.

Through the entire process of post-operative care, there will be constant communication with Berg-Feinfield Vision Center. You will be seen for one day post-op visit and will be able to resume most of your normal activities the next day.

If you’re in need of quality eye care, Dr. David Antonyan, O.D. can help. 

Vivid Visions Optometry, Inc serves patients from Santa Clarita and all its surrounding cities.


Schedule your Initial General Eye Exam today and see

Your Vivid Future, Right Before Your Eyes!

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