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Myopia or Nearsightedness

Experiencing blurry distance vision, squinting to see clearly, or frequent eye strain might indicate Myopia, commonly known as near-sightedness. Dr. David Antonyan, O.D. our seasoned eye care professional, is adept in diagnosing, treating, and providing comprehensive care for patients with Myopia, ensuring enhanced vision and comfort.

Understanding Myopia: Navigating Near-Sightedness at Vivid Visions Optometry

What is Myopia?

Myopia, commonly known as near-sightedness, is a vision condition characterized by difficulty seeing distant objects clearly while close objects appear sharp. This occurs when the eye's shape causes light rays to bend (refract) incorrectly, focusing images in front of the retina instead of on it.

Causes and Risk Factors

Myopia often develops in childhood and can progress during growth years. Factors contributing to its development include:

  • Genetics: A higher risk if one or both parents are near-sighted.

  • Environmental Factors: Prolonged close-up activities like reading, screen time, and insufficient outdoor activities.

  • Age: Typically begins in school-age children and can progress during teenage years.

Symptoms to Watch For

  • Blurry vision when looking at distant objects

  • Needing to squint or partially close the eyelids to see clearly

  • Eye strain, headaches

  • Difficulty with visual tasks, such as driving, particularly at night

Diagnosing Myopia at Vivid Visions Optometry

Our comprehensive eye examination includes a thorough assessment of your vision and eye health. We utilize the latest technology to accurately diagnose myopia and its progression.

Treatment Options

Managing myopia effectively is crucial for visual comfort and long-term eye health. Our treatment strategies include:

  • Prescription Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses: To correct vision and provide clear distance sight.

  • Orthokeratology (Ortho-K): Wearing specially designed contact lenses overnight to temporarily reshape the cornea.

  • Atropine Eye Drops: Low-dose atropine drops to slow the progression of myopia in children.

  • Myopia Control Programs: Tailored strategies, including lifestyle advice and visual hygiene tips to manage progression.

  • Refractive Surgery: For eligible adults, procedures like LASIK may be considered.

Prevention and Early Detection

While myopia can't always be prevented, early detection and intervention can help manage its progression. Regular eye exams, especially for children, are vital.

Why Choose Vivid Visions Optometry?

At Vivid Visions Optometry, we are committed to providing personalized care and education about myopia. Our experienced team, led by Dr. David Antonyan, O.D., offers the latest treatment options and guidance to ensure the best visual outcomes for our patients.

If you’re in need of quality eye care, Dr. David Antonyan can help. 

Vivid Visions Optometry, Inc serves patients from Valencia and all its surrounding cities.


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